Saturday, April 22nd, 2006
The Netherlands

Grey and cold, typical Dutch weather! WE WANT SPRING!!
Had to get up early as Sabine & I were going to the gym-tournament.
I was excited - not nervous, excited. This was going to be fun!

It was busy when we arrived and you could feel the tension. Lots of blabbing girls, who all went OOOOH and AAAAH when they saw me *big grin*
Well, I don't want to sound conceited but I AM cute!

There were 3 gym-clubs present, who were all divided in groups of 5 girls - ahem - 1 group had 5 girls and a Lord :D
All the exercises went great - our group was the only one with mascottes *and* a yell, so maybe that's what did it.... because....


Don't you just looooove that Gold Medal??


Here I am doing my Trampoline-act again. Got A's from each jury-member!


I am so proud of myself - the first Lord Ladybug with a Gold Medal! Now, this was with no training at all... What do you think.... if I start training now, maybe I can compete at the next Olympics???

That's all for today folks! This is Lord Buggie - signing off

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