There are several causes close to my heart. I finally got round to making a page for them.

Please take some time to visit these sites.
Donate money if you can, but spreading the word will help too.

Breast Cancer Awareness

I've lost so many friends through Breast Cancer.
That's the reason why I'm focusing on that form of Cancer here.
Of course every form of Cancer is terrible. We can only hope that there will always be funds enough to keep the research going. Some illnesses can never be cured, but there's been so much progress in Cancer Research that many people have been saved.

Please visit
By just clicking the pink button you'll find at that page, you'll fund free mammograms.

One of the most important things is Early Detection. Read more about that here.

The Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organisation is there for the much needed support.

A very informative site is the homepage of the American Cancer Society.
I know we all have busy lives, but please take the time to read their guidelines and explanations. It could save your life or that of a friend.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

You can't imagine what it means to lose a child until you've experienced it yourself. Losing Rianne, our first daughter, not only changed my life but my personality too.

Although there are many sites about this subject I've visited Jen's site several times and I highly recommend it.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

War Child

No person should ever experience what it is to live in a country that's involved in a war.
But for the mind of a child it must be even more difficult.

"The severe psychological wounds that war inflicts on children can scar them for life, crippling the very generations that must one day re-build their devastated countries. For the future peace of the world we must do everything in our power to help these war children."

"War Child is a network of independent organisations
working across the world to help children affected by war."

There are several sites you can visit to learn more about the work of War Child:

The Netherlands
United Kingdom

Sparky's Place

Thank you, Caroline!

Thank you, Felicia!Thank you, Felicia!

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~2002 and beyond İSparky's Place~