Archive for December, 2007

Sparky’s DS Christmas Freebies Day 18

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

Welcome to Day 18 of my Christmas give away 🙂 If you’re not sure what this is, check the Announcement please Holly Alphabet – will go great with any layout using the traditional Christmas colors 🙂 Download link: Holly Alphabet 1.3 MB

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Monday, December 17th, 2007

While waiting for a traffic light this morning a car hit me from behind and I felt my neck crack. The dr. confirmed what I already suspected, the symptoms I have are those of a whiplash. I have to take it easy and ‘listen to my body’. Paracetamol will have to do for now, if […]

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Sparky’s DS Christmas Freebies Day 17

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Welcome to Day 17 of my Christmas give away 🙂 If you’re not sure what this is, check the Announcement please Not really Christmas related, but a gift anyway: January, February and March 2008 Calendar Message to Laser – I’m sorry, but I still haven’t figured out how to save the .png files in a […]

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Sparky’s DS Christmas Freebies Day 16

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Welcome to Day 16 of my Christmas give away 🙂 If you’re not sure what this is, check the Announcement please One of the posts that went missing (mentioned in my post at the category “Important”) had this Christmas layout with a picture I took last year. I always put my Christmas Cards on my […]

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Sparky’s DS Christmas Freebies Day 15

Saturday, December 15th, 2007

Welcome to Day 15 of my Christmas give away 🙂 If you’re not sure what this is, check the Announcement please The last freebie of the Bear Ornament Kit. The tutorial for the bear came from Bunney’s burrow (, unfortunately the site no longer exists. Today’s download: the elements. Enjoy! Download link: Bear Ornament Elements […]

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