Newspaper Headline
I can’t believe it’s true… I hope it’s true and wish it’ll come true but… it’s only a weather forecast, so anything can happen! This morning when I picked up the newspaper, the first thing I saw was a huge headline saying: For the first time since 1982 we will be hunting for easter eggs in snow! Gosh… if only…
If all goes well (and lets hope the weather people are right for once!) it will start snowing Friday night. More hail and snow expected on Saturday, Sunday and maybe even Monday (Boxing Day). Of course there will be less snow near the coast, where I live, but they still think there will be 4 inches – which is enormous for this part of the country.
Finally an opportunity to take pics of the kids with a snowy background. Finally a chance to choose pics and complete my (long awaiting) unfinished paper scrapbooking projects.
Oh… if only… I soooo hope it’s true!!! Send cold vibes my way please 🙂

Helloooo Antoinette! How are you? I am really sorry for not visiting you here 🙁 A lot has happened, and I dont use my WP blog anymore.
I just thought to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter!
Well I hope you got your wish Antoinette although I have the shivers just thinking about it.
Take care of yourself.
And it did happen….
We all wished for a white Christmas and guess what they must have heard us (too late) we finaly had snow at Easter. Can’t even remember the last time I saw snow at Easter…. it was soooo cold…brrrr