It must be Spring…
I’ve been a good girl today… I cleaned! Nah not the house, who cares that it’s cluttered? :p I cleaned the computer!
Made a backup of my site and databases (yay); deleted and sorted files, added and arranged folders, then copied everything important from my harddrive to an external harddrive, defragged and looked back on those hours with a smile. Ah it feels good to have at least cleaned SOMEthing.
Next on the list… the house.. Any volunteers?

Mothers are a different species now than from what we grew up with, that’s for sure! I really, really hate housework and would much rather clean all the computers in the house before I’d pick up the dust cloth.. although it helps when I’ve just shopped new cleaning equipment, I am simple like that (give me a brand new cleaning liquid with extra powers and a nice scent, and a couple of new micro fiber cloths, and I am happy – at least that day)
Birgits last blog post..And I don’t even like horses