With the kids out of the house this weekend, it seemed the perfect opportunity to exercise. I worked on my biceps, triceps and whatever ceps there are, from 10 AM-6 PM, and the results are disastrous. My head is okay, my feet are okay, but everything in between aches!
Still, there’s something positive to it, it didn’t cost me one dime! No, I didn’t go to the gym, but decided it was time to change our sleeping arrangements.
Pay attention, it gets complicated!
We cleared out Manon’s attic room completely, cleaned it and moved all her stuff downstairs to Sabine’s bedroom (first floor). Then we cleared out most of our bedroom and moved stuff to the attic-bedroom. Cleaned our former bedroom and set up the beds for the girls.
The ‘only’ thing left to do is clear out Sabine’s bedroom, so it can be redecorated and Sabine can go back to her own bedroom. Then Manon has to move in with Sabine temporarily, so we can redecorate our former bedroom, which will be Manon’s new room.
Are you with me still? If so, you get an A, ’cause I’ve lost it :p
So much planning, my head is spinning. I tell you, moving house is better than moving things IN your house!
We didn’t redecorate Manon’s old room, it was too much of a hassle. Our bed is there, so at least we can sleep, and when it’s dark you don’t even notice the bright painted walls
You don’t want to see our bedrooms now. No, seriously, you don’t!
Boxes everywhere, things that need to be packed to go to the attic-storage (like a zillion Barbie dolls and children’s books) and so much more stuff that needs to get a place but I honestly can’t think straight anymore.
I refuse to get stressed about it … I’m going to bed and when I wake up, I will smile at the lilac, red, black and purple painted bedroom … then I’ll start thinking about the rest of the mess.
After all… tomorrow is another day!