Bring on Autumn!
Summer holidays are over! Today it’s back to school for most kids, highschool starts tomorrow. Wednesday hubby is going back to work and then I’ll have the house all to myself! YAY!
I so love the peace and quiet, that’s why I’m such a nightowl. I’m most productive when there’s no one around and you hear nothing but silence.
I’m planning on working out later this week, sort of. For her birthday we bought Sabine ‘Dancing Stage Hottest Party‘. Apparently that’s the European name for this WII game, in the US it’s called ‘Dance Dance Revolution’.
Sabine can’t sit still for one second, always making dance moves no matter what she’s doing; watching TV, pouring herself a drink, setting the table, whatever.. it’s dance, dance, dance. She was over the moon when she opened her present and has been playing it a lot.
Last week I said I’d put the dancing mat away as she was late for an appointment. And suddenly I found myself on the mat, holding the Nunchuks, trying to coordinate my eyes, brains, hands and feet. It was so much fun. I managed to unlock a song (on ‘easy’ level and getting an A), then I had the courage to try the same song on ‘medium’ level. It was hard! But after many tries I succeeded!
I sat down on the couch and felt my heart pounding, I was breathing heavily and I could feel little drops running down my body. Oh boy, this was much more fun than a workout at the gym!
No way I’d do this in front of the kids, I may be foolish but I’m not that daft.
So… I’m going for gold later this week.. on my level that is. I’ll never get as far as the 5 year old in this video, but hey, he’s not even using his hands! π

Ciao Antoinette, how are you? Just popped in to see if you posted. I am quite fine, but I am missing my beloved Italian sunny days! π I got back in Scotland 2 days ago, and I got a cold already! Oh my! Well, nothing bad, luckily, but my nose is running like crazy! :S I used 10 tissues in only 1 Β½ hours. And itβs not witer yet! Argh.
School starts on Sept. 15th in Italy. Dunno about Scotland *blush* Sending you a germ-free hug, have a happy day!
Ik heb zo gelachen om dit stukje van jou. Ik zag het voor me. Wij hebben sinds kort ook een Wii en geloof me, nu ga ik ook zo’n dansmat kopen. Zat al een hele tijd te dubben want het leek me zo leuk. Je hebt me overgehaald!