Yet another HP Trailer

Received an email from The Leaky Cauldron… another Half-Blood Prince Trailer

Love the look on Ron’s face “I’m in love with her!” – LOL

Quite dark and exciting… heavy stuff. Can’t wait, too bad about the delay, but I bet it’ll be worth the wait.

“Fight back you coward!” Awesome… just awesome…

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2 Comments so far

  1. It looks great, doesn’t it? I can hardly wait – but I guess we’ll just have to.


  2. Pat on November 15th, 2008 at 12:08
  3. Kan helemaal niet wachten tot hij in de bios is, vindt het al erg genoeg dat alle boeken al zijn geschreven hierover.
    adicted lol 😉

  4. Aquarius on November 18th, 2008 at 08:46

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