When it rains it pours
Life is not fun atm and I don’t feel like blogging. But on the other hand, I do feel the need to express myself, so here I go. Just skip this post, it’s mainly to get things off of my chest 😉
I hate blogs where people moan about all the bad things that are happening in their lives. Yes, I know it’s a personal blog and people are entitled to their opinion. But we all know life isn’t whoopie-doopie-cloud9-happyfeeling 365 days a year and moaning about it won’t make it better.
Surfing the net (reading blogs, discovering gems) gives me some happiness and distraction from day to day life. But when someone goes on and on about depressing things, *I* get depressed. I stopped reading those blogs though and I don’t miss them either.
As lots of things are happening in my life right now, and I don’t want to make my readers feel depressed, I rather keep a low profile until I can write about happy things again 🙂
I’m waaay behind with my musical reviews, so I will try to focus on those. And I will make the occasional blogpost, but don’t expect regular postings from me (well, you’re used to me being NOT a regular poster, so in a way, there’s nothing changing :p)
Stay healthy, be safe and hug your loved ones!
x Antoinette

Nou Antoinette wat een depri blogpost! Kom op hoor! Het voorjaar komt eraan en ik ga inderdaad workshops geven,ssst, vertel je later meer 😉 en jij mag ook voor de gezelligheid komen en niet alleen betaald zoals jij het zei. En als je even lekker tegen me aan wil mopperen dan weet je mn mailadres!
Liefs met een knuffel Marjan
Marjans last blog post..Het wordt steeds mooier!
Hi antoinette ! Like you do I surf to find blogs which help me not feel depressed, make me dream … I don’t want to speak about my alldays problems, it won’t help me to resolve them, I prefer to focuse my posts on the small “sunshine” in my days ..
I hope things will be better in your life … thinking about you sweetie ! Hugs !
nadias last blog post..d’Obama à Takaya
Hi my dear friend.
I hope my broken hand post didn’t send you reeling as it might have been on the negative side! I miss you lots and will check in to see if I can catch you posts even if they are few and far between.
Sending hugs to you and those beautiful ladies 🙂
Nicoles last blog post..It takes a broken bone