Feeling tired

After four weeks flat on my back – apart from the occasional visit to toilet and shower – followed by two weeks of hopping around with crutches, and sometimes even without (look mom, no hands!), my cast came off yesterday.
The doc wasn’t impressed with the x-ray, there wasn’t as much bone-growth as could be expected after 6 weeks of being in a cast. Still, new cast wouldn’t add anything and movement is supposed to make the bone grow, so here I am, castless. Still using crutches as every step hurts and I’m not feeling stable. The left leg, from my toes to my knee, looks like a mess, so I’m putting creme on it several times a day.
The worst thing is the pain though, TG for painkillers. I don’t think I’ve taken that many painkillers ever in my life. Shows how pain can totally throw your principles overboard.
I have to get fysio, so that’ll start somewhere next week – not looking forward to it (but I know I’ll benefit from it, so I have to clench my teeth and get it over with).
I feel like I’ve been doing hard labor, when all I do is walk around the livingroom and lay down on bed.
But let’s look at it from the positive side. The worst part is over, just a few more weeks and I will be my old self again – emphasizing old :p

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4 Comments so far

  1. It will all come back even as frustrating as it seems right now. I’m here rooting for you!

    Nicoles last blog post..A New Dress

  2. Nicole on April 26th, 2009 at 19:20
  3. Sorry to hear you have been in the wars again. It sounds as though it was a nasty break and it must be a relief that the plaster is off. Men soon Dutchsparky:)

  4. Greenfingers on April 26th, 2009 at 19:51
  5. Gatver wat duurt die ellende allemaal lang. Niet in de put zakken hoor! Je hebt zo’n lekker liedje; allways look on the bright side of life….hm, als mijn vader het vroeger om te plagen weleens zong kon ik m wel wurgen en nu plaag ik af en toe mijn kids ermee!

    Liefs en een knuf Marjan

  6. marjan on April 26th, 2009 at 20:50
  7. Does this mean you’re a castaway now Antoinette?
    Seriously though, I know how walking on crutches is just like hard labour. And forget your principles and shovel down those painkillers. It’s not for a long time and if you can take anything to make your life more comfortable through out it then I reckon you should go for it. Good luck with the physio.

  8. Karen (karooch from Scraps of Mind) on April 30th, 2009 at 10:38

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