Hand paintings

Last week I received one of those ‘forwarded emails’ and I must admit, I hate those. But I was glad I opened it anyway as it held a wonderful surprise.

Maybe you’ve seen the images before (I know ‘forwarded emails’ travel fast across the globe), but I still wanted to show the wonderful work of Guido Daniele at my blog.

It’s amazing what he creates out of hands. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but here are two of them.

There are many more hand paintings at Guido Daniele‘s site, just click the link and enjoy! (Warning: there is some nudity at the artist’s site)

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1 Comment so far

  1. You have to look twice to realise they’re hands don’t you. They are very good. Thanks for sharing them with us Antoinette.

    Karen (karooch from Scraps of mind)s last blog post..Scrapbook a Patchwork Quilt

  2. Karen (karooch from Scraps of mind) on April 23rd, 2009 at 23:24

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