It’s good to be back
Last Tuesday the hospital changed my purple cast to a walking cast (I chose black this time, suits everything I wear and it doesn’t stand out). I hop around using crutches and it is so much better than spending the days in bed. The only thing that worries me is that it still hurts like h&$%, but the doc said that could well be the ligaments, which were severely bruised when I fell. As he studied medicine and I didn’t, I’m willing to believe him 🙂
Found out I didn’t break my ankle, but the bottom part of the fibula, right above the ankle. Not that it makes any difference, but I want to give my reader(s) the right information.
Just realized that this is a pic of a right leg and I broke my left leg. Oh well, minor detail.
I’m looking forward to visiting the blogs on my blog roll and am prepared to read A LOT. Hope to see you soon and when I stop by, I’ll leave a message.
Stay safe and healthy!

Yay!! So happy to hear you are up and at it again. In case this makes you feel a bit better, my hand was bruised after taking the splint off and even at this point I get a bit of pain doing certain things with my hand but it is getting better all the time!!
Big hugs and hope to see you around blog land soon 🙂
Nicoles last blog post..Clutter, clutter and more clutter
Oh Antoinette wat vreselijk! Ik ben een hopeloze bloglezer op het ogenblik, alleen maar aan het klussen, ikke ikke ikke dus. Heb ik niet eens gezien dat jij al zo’n poos loopt te krukken! Meid wat zal je het inmiddels gehad hebben. Doe rustig aan (je kan niet anders)
Veel liefs Marjan
Marjans last blog post..Van alles…..