I remember the old times

Back in 2002, when I first tried my hand at creating a website, I never knew how important that would be for me.

A virtual place to call my own, where I could let my creativity flow and learn something new.

I found Geocities – a free host provided by Yahoo – and with a lot of sweat and tears I managed to teach myself html.

I loved my first website, the only thing bothering me were the adds – inevitable because the host was free – and while they weren’t too bad in the beginning, they grew larger and larger until they filled a column at the right side of the screen. Still, I managed to endure the distracting adds for more than three years until I just had enough of them.

The only option was buying my own domain and I remember the happiness I felt inside (January 2005) when I saw my pages without adds for the first time – amazing!

As my site is huge – I always go overboard – the moving of the pages was a pain. At some point I decided to just leave some of the pages at Geocities and take the adds for granted. No need to hurry, I would move one page at a time, maybe once a week. That turned into once a month, once a year… oh why bother.

Until.. I received an email from Yahoo, telling me they’re closing down the free Geocities host. AAAAAAAAAAAAA PANIC!!

Now I’m moving pages ‘by the dozen’. It still is a pain. I have to download the page, clean up the very messy html script and put everything online again, checking links, checking contents. But at the same time it’s a blessing, it feels like Spring cleaning. I’ve already discovered pages which can just go in the dustbin, some need a bit tidying up, and I have to reorganise a few, but in the end I will have a cleaner virtual house.

Now… any volunteers for cleaning up the real house??

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2 Comments so far

  1. Ciao Antoinette, I’m so sorry for your kitty. It’s always so hard when a pet is no longer with us…
    I really like your post, today! πŸ™‚ I’ve hear Geocities has already cancelled a few sites and there are, obviously, a few sad ladies around that didn’t have the chance to save their site. I’m glad you are moving your pages. πŸ™‚
    Thank you for your visit and comment about my recipes. πŸ™‚ I don’t have a quilt… yet. But I’ll try to make one ASAP πŸ˜‰
    Have a happy day!

  2. Kia on July 28th, 2009 at 08:05
  3. Oef het overhalen van mijn site destijds naar mijn eerste domein was ook een heel werk, en uiteindelijk is er niks van overgebleven πŸ˜‰
    Wat naar om te lezen van je kat πŸ™ Huisdieren zijn echt een deel van het gezin en toen we onze vorige kat moesten laten inslapen was ik ook helemaal kapot, en dat zal ik weer zijn op het moment dat Pluk dood gaat of ingeslapen moet πŸ™ Bah, ik krijg al een brok in mijn keel als ik er aan denk… Heel veel sterkte de komende tijd, en probeer je hart open te stellen voor misschien binnenkort weer een nieuw katje dat heel veel liefde nodig heeft?

  4. Desiree on August 10th, 2009 at 12:12

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