Another health update
Still on sick leave. Short version for new visitors: Broke my fibula on March 9th and was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Dystrophy when they took the cast off.
Good news is that the good days seem to appear more frequent now. Bad days are still a majority though. Physiotherapy hurts like &^%$, but I bite my teeth, knowing it is necessary to get my ankle working as it should again.
Spoke to a surgeon – not in a medical, but in a personal conversation – and although he couldn’t be sure as he never saw the x-rays, he advized me to go for a second opinion. The pain I have can’t possibly be solely from the Dystrophy, it must have something to do with the bones.
Made an appointment, will keep you posted once I know more.

Oh dear…. pain like &^%$ sound awful to me… maybe a second opinon is a good thing. Hope you see the end of this soon and be back to your ‘normal crazy’ self 🙂
Do you know the Antoinette Van Kleef who is quoted as saying, “When snow falls, nature listens” ? I need to find out who she is in order to use the quote in a book I’m writing. Thanks!!!
Thanks Caroline – will catch up with you soon 🙂
That’s me Marcia – sent you an email 🙂