High School Musical – The Musical
Opened: Jan 26, 2009
Seen: July 26, 2009
Booked tickets more for the kids than for me, but I didn’t regret it. Only problem was that we had to go to Rotterdam and I’m still not able to drive a car. So Rink brought a book and some munchies and he waited in the car until we came back. Luckily it was sunny and he had a great view at the river from the car, so he didn’t mind driving us there.
I never really saw the movie, only heard bits of it, because I was at the comp when the kids watched it, and re-re-re-watched it. The story itself is simple, it’s the singing and dancing which are stealing the show.
The young cast worked so hard, so full of energy and enthusiasm, hats off to them!
Of course the majority of the girls in the audience went crazy when Troy (Tommie Christiaan, who looks very much like Zac Efron) appeared on stage. Sabine (12) said: OMG he’s HOT! (rofl). Manon had her moment when one of the guys on stage dropped his basketball and it stumbled upon her lap. Later in the scene he walked to the edge of the stage (we were on row 1), looked at Manon and made a hand gesture as to say: throw the ball please. She did and was rewarded with a wonderful smile and a wink. I suppose the ‘accidental’ balldropping happens every performance, but it sure made Manon’s day.
After the show four of the leads came out to the hall to sign stuff. It was very hard to take pics though, as it was incredibly busy, but I did my best 🙂
Here’s a clip from the show, a bit wobbly, because filmed from the audience. As far as I know this song is not in the movie. It is one of my favs from the show…
…closely followed by ‘Get’cha head in the game’, such a catchy rhythm and great choreography (choreographer Nichola Treherne received a Dutch Musical Award for HSM)
Great musical, even if you’re well above the average age of the audience 😀

Glad you liked it too 😉 How is August there? Hot? Here mostly rainy. :/
I sjust sent you my recipe corner quilt.
Have a lovely rest of the week! Cheers from Scotland!