The C word :)
Some people don’t want to hear the word Christmas mentioned until it’s the 24th of December. Not me though uh-uh, ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’. Well, not really, as that would get boring I guess, but I just love Christmas and I try to savor the time that leads up to it.
I felt butterflies when I got the Sky Radio Newsletter today, announcing the start of the annual Sky Radio Christmas Station! Now I don’t have to surf the net in silence, as of today there’s Christmas music on my headphones 😀 ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’!
Oh I know I could put on my YouTube Christmas Playlist, but that’s not the same. The songs are limited and at the Sky Radio Christmas Station there’s 24 hours filled with Christmas Delight! What I especially love is the fact that there’s a playlist, so if you hear a song you like, you don’t have to search high and low for the artist/title, but it’s right there. Following the playlist, I start writing down song titles that I don’t have on my iPod yet (Confession: I have only Christmas songs on my iPod :p).
*happy sigh* This made my day – what a great early Christmas present!
With all of the excitement of your new designing gigs will you be running Christmas Aroubd the World again this year?
Oh yes Karen, I’m definitely planning on running Christmas Around The World again! No idea HOW, or where I will find the time, but I will succeed 🙂
First mail will probably go out in the first week of November.