October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Cancer is cruel, cancer makes no exceptions, rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, everyone is at risk. It affects so many people’s lives. I think that we all know someone who’s life was turned upside down because of the cancer. And often people think: this is the end… Unfortunately that can be the case, but there are positive stories as well (several of my family members and friends are the living proof!).
I get the chills every time I visit Faces of Stupid Cancer, where survivors post their picture and their story in short. Even though it’s heartbreaking to realize the fears those people must have been through, it’s comforting to know that they’re alive and kicking! I wish them well!
We can only hope that there will always be funds enough to keep the research going. Some illnesses can never be cured, but there’s been so much progress in Cancer Research that many people have been saved.
As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here’s a chance to help funding free mammograms! It only takes a click a day
One of the most important things is early detection. Read more about that here.
A very informative site is the homepage of the American Cancer Society. I know we all have busy lives, but please take the time to read their guidelines and explanations. It could save your life or that of a friend.
I have mixed feelings when I sell another of my support cards for children with cancer at Greeting Cards Universe. Proud because someone thought my card was the best – out of the hundreds that are available – but sad at the same time, knowing there is a recipient dealing with the illness. I can only hope the card gives them strength to keep fighting and that they will survive and live a long and happy life.
At the same time, I know that a card can do wonders for your moral. Who wouldn’t want to receive some words of comfort and support, it really helps mentally when you know you’re not alone!
People often find it difficult to come up with the right words. Whatever you do, don’t write: “I’m there for you, call me when you need me”. Big No No! People won’t call when they need you. Make sure you call THEM to let them know you’re serious about the offer! But only make that call if you can commit. If, for whatever reason, you’re not in the position to offer physical help or lend an ear, a card with encouraging words is enough. Don’t make a promise you can’t keep!
Dedicated to Monique and Gerry. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. I miss you a lot!

Thanks for your words of wisdom, Antoinette. So true.
Nice selection of cards, too.
[…] October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month “Cancer is cruel, cancer makes no exceptions…” At Sparky’s, Antoinette Van Kleef […]
Very nice post, Antoinette :)And thanks for the link to the Breast Cancer mammogram donation. Love your selection of cards. thanks!
Very lovely post, links, and advise to call a person with cancer, because they will not call you. I found this to be true with my brother, who I lost to colon cancer long ago. Wonderful choice of cards as well.
Janet Lee
Well written and meaningful post, thanks for sharing! Great advice on what NOT to say … something I heard my mom talk about many times while she was battling cancer herself!