London: Wicked!
While browsing through my archives I noticed that I never wrote reviews for the two other performances of Wicked I saw in The Netherlands (I wrote one for the first time I saw it here). Probably because of the huge disappointment we felt when the girls and I went to see Willemijn and she had a day off 🙁 The 3rd time I was lucky enough to see Willemijn on stage again, but as it was a matinee, I never got the chance to meet her at the stage door. After that she went to play Elphaba on Broadway but I didn’t have the funds to travel to NY. Was frustrated, as I thought that would’ve been the last chance to see her play Elphie… how wrong I was and how happy when she was invited to join Wicked in London!! My favourite city, my favourite musical and my favourite actress in the lead, bliss!
This was the first time I went to London in December and I have to say: loved it! The atmosphere, the shop displays, the street decorations, it was wonderful.
On the day we arrived (Thursday, Dec. 5) the tree lighting ceremony on Trafalgar Square took place. The square was loaded with people and it was special singing Christmas carols in the cold night air, but feeling all warm inside (oh how I love Christmas!). Afterwards we walked down the streets, looking at the lights and ended up on Leicester Square where there was a red carpet in front of Odeon (cinema where all the opening nights of major movies take place). We decided to hang around to see if we could spot any celebrities and lo and behold… a black car arrived with lots of security people and William & Kate stepped out 😀
Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park was another highlight (looooved the pretzels), the windows of Harrods were amazing, but the Christmas department didn’t impress me at all! (booo!) We ate delicious fish & chips at a pub with our first pints of cider (yum), got hooked on Eggnog Latte, enjoyed Covent Garden, walked a lot, took a long ride on a bus and enjoyed the tour from the top front windows (yay for double-deckers).
On Saturday we met up with Shana, a dear friend I’ve known (online) for 9 or 10 years now. Finally we met in person! Spent the day walking around (sooo tired) and in the evening we had tickets to see Wicked. Row B!! Although I was almost sure Willemijn would be there – she just started Nov. 18 and no holidays were announced on the website – we still were nervous. No need, she was there! And how! Goosebumps all over, strange to hear her sing in her posh accent, but so familiar at the same time. People must get tired of me expressing my admiration, I apologise, but she’s a phenomenon.
As we all saw Wicked several times, there was only one surprise: Savannah Stevenson as Glinda! Can I say: woah! First of all she is incredibly beautiful and although darkhaired, the blonde Glinda wig suited her. And her voice… she blew us away. All the other Glinda’s I saw were good, about the same level, I didn’t have a favourite. But I am happy to say that I have found my favourite Glinda! I really hope that I get the chance to see both Willemijn and Savannah again before their time in the WestEnd is up *crossing fingers*
After the performance we waited at the stage door where some actors rushed by, and others took time to greet the fans, pose for pics and give autographs. Savannah was as sweet as could be. I always feel awkward asking someone to pose for a pic, so it helps when they are friendly and make you feel at ease.
We noticed Bart, Willemijn’s husband, waiting at the stage door and hoped she wouldn’t be in a hurry. And then she came out, talking to fans in English, German and to us in Dutch 🙂 I still can’t believe that I’ve actually talked to her, met her face to face *big grin* … but I have the picture to prove it 😀 It was a good night, a really great night. Happy camper here!